About Us


During the (process of) creation of WordPress templates SEOS aims for simple, easy and friendly user design. All our templates are being created according to the latest code writing requirements and trends. SEOS themes for WordPress are easily recognizable by search engines and they are also SEO friendly. Via the elements used in HTML5 the search engines can easily evaluate the importance of the website content.


The site loading speed is also great of importance to us and that’is why we always make sure that the code is free of redundant scripts. The correct loading under most all popular browsers is also a compulsory requirement which we follow while creating our themes. Our WordPress templates are accessible from personal computers as well as from tablets and all kinds of mobile phones.

SEOS makes sure that there are no bugs in the HTML code and the CSS document and that the code is tested according to the requirements of W3C for validity of the document. SEOS sets itself a goal to create a rich library of specialized themes which are useful in various branches of the business. At the moment you can find all our free and premium WordPress themes here.

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